Lessons learnt

ITs been nearly 2 weeks now that I have started my adventure in KLCC. You see part of the adventure is getting there. I have been trying out for the past 10 days on timing, etiquette, making urself comfortable and some other stuff with regards to this. Before I started work here, it was one of the concerns that I had. This is what I have understood:
1. I start work at 8.30, tried leaving the house at 7, 7.15, 7.30 and later 7.45 (see below and u'll understand) to get an assesment of traffic and parking availability at the station.
2. It'll take on average 30 mins to get to Kelana Jaya. It takes another 30 mins to KLCC from Kelana Jaya. So, after parking the car and walking and getting on the train (based on the times above) I would arrive in KLCC at 8.00, 8.15, 8.45 and 9.00. See although we start work at 8.30, apparently no one comes in until around 9! Canggih...
3. Getting on the LRT was tricky at first. Being the first stop, initially I thought that the train would be empty by the time it got to KJ. But I guess people learn and adapt. There are now many people who take the trip to KJ and back to where they came from so that they can get a seat. So, we too must learn and adapt. I have learnt that if I can afford to wait 3 mins (which is how often the train comes), I can line up and when the train comes go straight to the front of the line, then I get to sit..
Anyway, enough of that, will continue with my adventures - need to explore the places to eat next! - mcm rusa masuk kampung lah katakan..
More of rusa masuk bandar... ;)
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